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October 4, 2024

Blocked Drain 485 – BUCKLE UP! This Is The Start Of Something Goooood!

3 minute read

A man with a surprised expression stands near a clogged plumbing system with visible roots and the text "ROOTS..." above him.

G’day, fellow plumbing enthusiasts! Your mate Gavin from Turbo Plumbing Solutions here, and boy, do we have a doozy of a blocked drain for you today. Buckle up, because this is the start of something good – and by good, I mean a proper messy septic trench situation.

Picture this: It’s a gloomy morning, clouds looming overhead, and we’ve got a call about some blocked septic trenches. Seems our poor clients had a bit of a party over the weekend, and things didn’t quite go to plan in the backyard. Let’s just say the neighbours weren’t too chuffed about their unexpected ‘garden fertiliser’.

Now, septic trenches can be a bit dodgy once they’ve been around for a while. Sometimes they’re completely stuffed, but other times, we can work a bit of magic and give them a new lease on life. That’s exactly what we set out to do.

Armed with our trusty jetting equipment and a healthy dose of Aussie determination, we dove right in. Literally. The first trench turned out to be a dummy – just an end cap going nowhere. But the second one? That’s where the fun began.

As we sent our little nozzle (affectionately dubbed ‘Little Penny’) down the line, we could feel the resistance. Roots. Those buggers get everywhere, don’t they? But we weren’t about to let a few roots get the better of us. Oh no, we brought out the big guns – our root cutter.

Let me tell you, it was like Christmas morning for a plumber. We pulled out some absolute beauties – thick, gnarly roots that had made themselves right at home in those trenches. It’s always satisfying when you can physically see what’s been causing the blockage.

After a good hour of battling those roots, pumping water, and getting thoroughly covered in… well, let’s just call it ‘organic matter’, we finally cleared the trench. It was draining like a charm, ready to handle whatever the next party might throw at it (figuratively speaking, of course).

Now, here’s a pro tip for you: If you’ve got a septic system, regular maintenance is key. Don’t wait until your neighbour’s complaining about unexpected garden ‘gifts’. A little prevention goes a long way in keeping your system flowing smoothly.

So there you have it, folks. Another day, another drain conquered. It might not be glamorous work, but there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of a job well done and a happy customer.

Remember, whether it’s a stubborn blocked drain, a leaky tap, or anything in between, we at Turbo Plumbing Solutions are always here to lend a hand. Keep those drains flowing and those plungers at the ready!

Until next time, happy flushing!

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