Blocked Drain Quotes
Previous Plumber Quoted $70K
Blocked drain quotes – North Brisbane.
When things seem a little sketchy and overpriced – go with your gut. Too often I find I go to jobs where other plumbers have flat out told customers they can’t clear drains or blockages with their equipment and that dig ups/relining is required. I also find customers are sometimes shocked with pricing, however, I am upfront and honest and have no hidden fees and charges.
Who has $70,000 laying around to fix pipework? Not me – that’s for sure. Go with your gut and get second, third or fourth opinions to be sure…or just call Doran Plumbing and Drainage for honest advice and professional service the first time!
If you’re an addict to blocked drains, clearing chokes, tree roots, high pressure water jetting, CCTV and watching an Aussie Plumber do his thing you will enjoy this channel.
Check out my YouTube Channel to see how I unblock this drain!

Penetrator (aka Gavin) has been plumbing for over 20 years. He has worked alongside other plumbers and in both commercial and residential plumbing. His passion within plumbing has always been the challenge of a blocked drain. He thrives on defeating the blockages and continues until satisfied he has 110% done the best he can. His work ethic is unsurpassable and his workmanship is second to none. If there’s a blocked drain – Penetrator is your man!